Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Training and Development in Proctor & Gamble Assignment

Training and Development in Proctor & Gamble - Assignment Example From this discussion it is clear that performance management theories will be used to create a theoretical background for this report.This study outlines that  training and development plays cordial role on aligning strategic objectives of management with human resource pool of organization. There are four basic pillars of training & development and they can be summarized in the following manner. Training- Increasing the performance standard of employees by giving them proper instruction and practice. Develop- This technique creates bigger impact on human resource pool and systematically increases their skill level to perform the work. Educate- Giving instruction to employees in terms of social, intellectual and moral responsibility.  Learn- Employees gain knowledge from their past mistake or they can get experience from ongoing management activity. In 1984, Farnham has indicated that training and development are more relevant to organization’s point of view but education and learning are more relevant to education and academic industry.  Performance management has three discrete components, 1- performance definition, 2- measurement of performance and 3- communication between supervisor and employees.  They have stated that performance appraisal is more closely related to second component of performance management.  Nature of the strategy depends on business objectives of the organization.... In 1989, Harrison defined development as primary activity helping employees and organization to grow in terms of achieving potential up to highest standard (Lundy & Cowling, 1996, p. 243). 2.0 Performance Management Performance management has three discrete components, 1- performance definition, 2- measurement of performance and 3- communication between supervisor and employees. In 1999, Banks & May have clearly segregated performance management from performance appraisal. They have stated that performance appraisal is more closely related to second component of performance management (Landy & Conte, 2009, p. 234). In 1992, Institute of Personnel Management has defined performance management as strategy related to every functional department of organization and designed to co relate with various aspects of organization like culture, style, human resource capital and communication system. Nature of the strategy depends on business objectives of the organization (Armstrong & Baron, 200 5, P.7). One of the fundamental tasks of the performance management department is to look after the performance of employees. Furthermore it ensures effective and efficient performance from the employees. Some of the modern techniques include feedbacks from the supervisors and subordinates, setting benchmarks and comparing with that, 360 degree appraisal method and most importantly applying the concept of Balance scorecard. Balance scorecard gives importance on maintaining coordination between various departments of large organizational structure. Interlinked network of the departments help management to implement balance scorecard concept in two ways. 1- It helps every employee to understand organizational objectives and

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