Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company

Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Reedsy Helped Me Start My Own Indie Publishing Company Christina Enquist shares her experience assembling the team of professionals that helped launch her debut novel, The Immundus - and her very own independent publishing company, Odolf Mingan Publishing.I was on safari, traversing my way through the rugged terrain of social media, seeking the elusive and coveted book editor. Not just any editor would do. I knew I had to have an editor with experience in editing young adult and science fiction, preferably someone who had edited bestsellers and award-winning novels.I tried reaching out to editors on Twitter and got some bites, but I was concerned about handing my manuscript over to a person whose qualifications I wasn’t sure of. It was then that I happened upon a Mark Dawson podcast where he talked all about Reedsy. I began to investigate Reedsy myself and was instantly hooked. Thus ended my safari, as I found a prize better than I imagined: an entire herd of talent.I knew that I had found my resource for top talent, one that cou ld support me in starting my indie publishing career. I didn’t have to worry about hiring full-time or even part-time employees. I could hire professionals per project/book by contracting them through Reedsy.I am gearing up to launch my debut young adult dystopian novel,  The Immundus. The story is set in the year 2828 in Domus, the world’s last remaining country. Domus’ population is dwindling as the result of a mysterious disease called allagine. When 16-year-old Nia is recruited by a research company pioneering a cure to allagine, she witnesses something she shouldn’t have. As she sets down a dangerous path that uncovers national secrets, Nia must decide not only what kind of person she wants to be, but how far she’s willing to go to save humanity.In order to make The Immundus the best it could be, I connected with professionals at different stages of my book’s development.EditingI contracted two editors to get my book ready for the pre sses. Katrina Diaz Arnold served as my developmental and line editor, while Parisa Zolfaghari worked as my copy editor and proofreader. Both of these women were wonderful to work with and provided exceptional feedback to help me shape my story and tighten the lines.For example, Katrina was instrumental in helping me determine where to end the book - not always a straightforward task when writing a trilogy. She also made me aware of areas where I needed more thought or dialogue so the reader could fully understand what’s going on - which is crucial in any novel with dense worldbuilding. "Working with a professional editor is crucial for any novel with dense worldbuilding." @cienquist Parisa added additional depth to my story: she not only provided copy edits to make sure my punctuation and grammar were appropriate, she also provided some of her own developmental recommendations - even adding a few more scenes to raise the stakes of the novel’s central conflict. Since I started working with the professionals I found on Reedsy, I have learned so much about the publishing industry and its standards: from learning about widows and orphans thanks to my copy editor, to understanding bleeds and crops from my designer, my team helped me acquire the knowledge I needed to become an indie publisher.The Immundus is available for pre-order on Amazon!Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Christina Enquist in the comments below!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dances of the renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dances of the renaissance - Essay Example The dance music of the Renaissance was written for instruments such as the sackbut, lute, viol, pipe and the tabor. Some of the most popular ones are discussed below. An allemande literally means ‘German’ and it was one of the most popular instrumental dance forms in Baroque music, and a standard element of a suite. The allemande originated in the Renaissance period as a duple meter dance of moderate tempo, derived from dances supposed to be favored in Germany at the time and was performed in 4/4 time. Originally, the allemande formed the first movement of the suite, before the courante. The basse danse literally means ‘low dance’ and it was the most popular court dance in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. Basse danse music is always in 6/4 and in performance, 3 or 4 instrumentalists would improvise the polyphony based on this tenor. Basse danse is slow and processional, and is played with a constant speed throughout. It begins with a reverence and so there is usually no need to play any introductory bars before beginning the music, although a drumbeat or two may help. The basse danse later led to the development of the pavane. A branle is a 16th century French dance style which moves mainly from side to side, and is performed by couples in either a line or a circle and was mainly performed by commoners. Branle music is often in 4/4, although can be found in 2/4 and even with variations in timing between the bars. Branles don’t start with a reverence, and so a few introductory bars of music are usually required to get the dancers moving. According to Arbeau, every ball began with the same four branles. The Double Branle has a simple form involving two phrases of two bars each. The Single Branle, however, consists of a phrase of two bars, followed by a phrase of one bar and appears in numerous places. Likewise the Gay Branle consists of two

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chaplin and the Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chaplin and the Cinema - Essay Example He expressed his inner sentiments by changing his expressions of the face. This was a skill which was possessed by him and he was the most famous comedian of his time. But later he adopted the way of acting like others. The movie ‘The Great Dictator’ marked a great revolution in the entertainment sector. This was the first movie in which Charlie Chaplin used the medium of talking to convey his feelings and emotions. It marked the introduction of Charlie Chaplin as a ‘talkie’ in the film industry which marked a great importance and secondly it also made its political importance felt through out the world. This movie was released during the era of World War II and showed its criticism against the forces which were involved during the World War II. The Great Dictator was a movie which marked the entrance of Americans in the World War II. This movie is of a great historical significance. It disparages the strategies designed specially by the Nazis during the World War II. The strategies made by the Nazis were shown as racial in this movie and it disapproved the policies largely. The production of ‘The Great Dictator’ started in 1937 at which time the Nazis did not pose any kind of danger to the United States of America. This movie takes its story from Hitler and Nazism. If the movie is closely reviewed it can be said that it clearly criticizes the policies made by Hitler and Nazis. Charlie Chaplin plays the role of a barber who has a faith in the religion of Jews. He belongs to the country of Tomania. In the commencement of the movie the barber is shown as a patriot of the country who is fighting in the World War I. This barber helps to save the life of a Tomanian Soldier during the war. But after the war this barber suffers from the disease amnesia and is hospitalized. Similarly another role is also played by Charlie Chaplin in the movie which is of a Tomanian dictator. This

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pleasantville Essay Example for Free

Pleasantville Essay In the movie Pleasantville, a brother and sister from modern day became part of a black and white ‘50s television show called Pleasantville. This was done using a special remote given to the main character David, by a TV repairman. In the beginning David believed Pleasantville should remain the same. Pleasantville was his utopia; he thought everything was perfect. His sister Jenn was determined to change Pleasantville. Jenn thought people acted like losers, and wanted them to be â€Å"cool†. David later realized things should change because people did not show their emotions in Pleasantville, and had no way to express them. When people in Pleasantville showed their emotions, they changed from black and white to color. By the end of the movie, everything was in color because of David. People had learned to show their emotions. The creator of this movie was trying to communicate the message that emotions make things more interesting. This statement is true for Pleasantville and writing. In Pleasantville people would change to color when they showed their emotions. Bill expressed his emotions through painting colorful pictures. David gained his color when he got angry and punched Whitey. Emotions are put into writing to add detail. At Lovers Lane people reading books became colored and the listeners remained black and white. If people incorporate emotions into their writing it will help get the readers attention and make the plot more interesting. This movie relates to our critical analysis essay. The idea of perception versus reality is conveyed throughout the movie. David thought Pleasantville was perfect when he watched it on television. When he became part of the show he found it had many flaws. The citizens of Pleasantville believed there was nothing outside of Pleasantville; in reality there was a lot. In reality, bad things can happen. When the tree caught on fire, the firefighters did not know how to deal with it because there had never been a fire in Pleasantville before. This movie also dealt with the idea of personal choice and the consequences of those choices. In the ‘90s, Jenn did poorly in school. She probably could not get into college. She worked hard in school while she was in Pleasantville. In Pleasantville, she had a chance to go to college. Personal choice can also be seen when many people chose to show their feelings and emotions. The consequence was they changed to color.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays

Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Tempest, Shakespeare allows the audience to appreciate the possibilities of utopian society and whatever this may posses.   Being the good, and bad so that they can see that problems can arise in such a society. The Tempest can be thus seen as a window into the dimensions of utopian societies. While his characters take on the role of the leaders of the utopian societies, Shakespeare uses his creation to portray the social questions and beliefs of society of how a utopian environment should be.    Essential to the discussion of this aspect of The Tempest is the definition of a "Utopia". For different characters this "utopia" means different things. First of all and maybe most important of all, as it is she who says it, Miranda's utopia consists of a populated world with many other human beings in it. This can be seen as created by the way she has been kept in relative isolation due to her father’s action.   Human beings, in whatever forms they come in are a fascination for her, and something that she longs to see.   Other characters on the other hand have a whole manner of different ideas of utopia and versions of their "utopia". Caliban's utopia changes throughout the play and Gonzalo's utopia seems somewhat confusing as he has two ideas which seem to contradict each other.   What is underlined here is that the view of Utopia does not remain stagnant, it is a constant changing process depending on one’s life experiences and points of view.    More specifically Prospero's utopia is a reflection of   what society at that time believed to be a utopia. This being an easy existence, void of manual labor, with all of their time spent on the pursuit of greater knowledge and... ...wn nature.   He says ‘ All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement/Inhabits here.   Some heavenly power guide us/Out of this fearful country.’ Works Cited and Consulted Boss, Judith E. "The Golden Age, Cockaigne, and Utopia in The Faerie Queene and The Temepest." Georgia Review 26 (1972) 145-55. Cohen, Walter. "Shakespeare and Calderon in an Age of Transition." Genre 15 (1983), 123-37. Davidson, Frank. â€Å"The Tempest: An Interpretation.† In The Tempest: A Casebook. Ed. D.J. Palmer. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1968. 225. Kermode, Frank. Introduction. The Tempest. By William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. xlii. Solomon, Andrew. â€Å"A Reading of the Tempest.† In Shakespeare’s Late Plays. Ed. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 232. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Ed. Frank Kermode. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays Portrayal of Utopia in The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Tempest, Shakespeare allows the audience to appreciate the possibilities of utopian society and whatever this may posses.   Being the good, and bad so that they can see that problems can arise in such a society. The Tempest can be thus seen as a window into the dimensions of utopian societies. While his characters take on the role of the leaders of the utopian societies, Shakespeare uses his creation to portray the social questions and beliefs of society of how a utopian environment should be.    Essential to the discussion of this aspect of The Tempest is the definition of a "Utopia". For different characters this "utopia" means different things. First of all and maybe most important of all, as it is she who says it, Miranda's utopia consists of a populated world with many other human beings in it. This can be seen as created by the way she has been kept in relative isolation due to her father’s action.   Human beings, in whatever forms they come in are a fascination for her, and something that she longs to see.   Other characters on the other hand have a whole manner of different ideas of utopia and versions of their "utopia". Caliban's utopia changes throughout the play and Gonzalo's utopia seems somewhat confusing as he has two ideas which seem to contradict each other.   What is underlined here is that the view of Utopia does not remain stagnant, it is a constant changing process depending on one’s life experiences and points of view.    More specifically Prospero's utopia is a reflection of   what society at that time believed to be a utopia. This being an easy existence, void of manual labor, with all of their time spent on the pursuit of greater knowledge and... ...wn nature.   He says ‘ All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement/Inhabits here.   Some heavenly power guide us/Out of this fearful country.’ Works Cited and Consulted Boss, Judith E. "The Golden Age, Cockaigne, and Utopia in The Faerie Queene and The Temepest." Georgia Review 26 (1972) 145-55. Cohen, Walter. "Shakespeare and Calderon in an Age of Transition." Genre 15 (1983), 123-37. Davidson, Frank. â€Å"The Tempest: An Interpretation.† In The Tempest: A Casebook. Ed. D.J. Palmer. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1968. 225. Kermode, Frank. Introduction. The Tempest. By William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. xlii. Solomon, Andrew. â€Å"A Reading of the Tempest.† In Shakespeare’s Late Plays. Ed. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 232. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Ed. Frank Kermode. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mission, explicit policy Essay

Mission, explicit policy and explicit policy are element of ethical climate around which the client works.   Each has varying degrees of impact on the behaviors of the employee People base behavior on values and are less affected by a set of rules and regulations as elucidated in the implicit and explicit policies; they are influenced more by what they know is of paramount value to their service to the client and company they service. In this vein, the mission statement provides the greatest influence to the employee behaviors, impacting it for positive outcomes. It is customary to specify these mission statements to the employees in the letter of appointment as well as ht terms and conditions guiding their employment and service to the company including its clients. Of all, what stays and is closest to the staff is the mission statement, hung at a specific location in the company. It is usually accessible and easy to understand. On the basis of its omnipresence, it influences the character of members of staff to work, their attitude to their responsibilities at the duty post is constantly checked and twisted at the sight of short concise and easy to memorize sentence[s]. Usually, this statement becomes the foundation for making right decisions during unfavorable situations, the impetus for proposing innovative ideas and implementing them for the good of the colony. It helps to improve the [performance of status by encouraging them to take initiatives as at when appropriate and suiting for the situation.   It is one of the tools that link the employee strength and service to the employer’s goals and values.   This link creates a productive environment for effective delivery of services and goods to customers/clients. It clarifies thoughts and make the arduous decision-making mechanism an adventure.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

British Healthcare System

Heath Care in the United Kingdom The British Health Care system (or National Healthcare Service NHS) is one of the best in the world. The British government, through the National Health Service, provides the majority of health care. The program is funded by taxes, and the entire system is free at the point of service. Each nation has its own part of the health care service, so, National Health Service (England) Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland  (HSENI), NHS Scotland, and NHS Wales. Each system operates independently, but if a citizen needs treatment in another country isn’t a problem.Foreign nationals will receive free treatment if they are in an emergency in the United Kingdom, and if you become a permanent resident of the UK and have been there for 12 months you will also receive free healthcare. About 18% or (4. 9% of their GDP from 2000-10) of the United Kingdom’s budget is used on the NHS, or about ? 119 billion ($190 billion). The Conservatives are ver y fond of their brilliant health care plan of course, saying that: â€Å"The NHS is our country's most precious asset.Over the last two years, because of the dedication of staff across the country, the NHS has maintained or improved quality across the board – reducing waiting times to record lows, reducing hospital infections to their lowest levels ever, increasing access to dentistry, delivering more doctors and fewer administrators, and giving thousands of patients the cancer drugs they need† (Conservatives) Currently, there is plenty of criticism surrounding the NHS among the shadow party, one major issue being that the ‘NHS is on a fast track to fragmentation. –Andy Burnham the shadow health secretary. â€Å"He said politicians needed to challenge the assumption that autonomy always led to improvement. While some organizations had thrived on autonomy, such as inner city teaching hospitals, others had struggled – leading to high profile failures such as the deaths at Mid Staffordshire hospital. We are genuinely at a big fork in the road,† Burnham said. â€Å"We're on a fast track to fragmentation. Partnership is very important in that context.Once it's been smashed to bits we have to try and glue bits back together. He said the key partnership in the sector was between health and local government, adding that he feared placing commissioning in the hands of clinicians would lead to a patient-centred, rather than person-centred, approach to health. † (Guardian) There is still much to be done to make perfect the NHS. The Conservatives have about 6 main goals that needs to get done in the near future: * Cutting the cost of NHS administration * â€Å"We will cut NHS bureaucracy by ? 4. billion over the course of this Parliament and reinvest every penny straight into frontline patient services. † * Giving more power to patients * We will allow patients the choice to register with a GP practice of their choice for the first time. * We will roll out personal health budgets allowing people to have more choice, flexibility and control over the health services and care they receive * Giving doctors and nurses the power to commission services for their patients * We will hand over commissioning power to the 212 Clinical Commissioning Groups in April 2013. Conservatives) Also, another criticism is that there could be a possibility for User Spending as stated by Professor Lord Darzi: â€Å"A review of the NHS  prompted criticism of the government and the department of health for paving the way for user charging,  and so contradicting the NHS Plan 2000 which stated that â€Å"user charges are unfair and inequitable in they increase the proportion of funding from the unhealthy, old and poor compared with the healthy, young and wealthy†.The report also introduces the concept of ‘personal budgets'. † (Wikipedia/ ‘High Quality Care For All’) Sources: http://www. conservatives. com/Policy/Where_we_stand/Health. aspx http://www. guardian. co. uk/healthcare-network/2012/oct/03/andy-burnham-nhs-reforms-fragmentation http://www. economist. com/node/21557793 Professor Lord Darzi KBE (2008-06-30). â€Å"High Quality Health Care For All† http://www. guardian. co. uk/commentisfree/2008/jul/01/nhs. health1

Friday, November 8, 2019

There Ought to be a Law essays

There Ought to be a Law essays THERE was an interesting article in our Metro section last week. That was the one that said movie fans might no longer see Vilma Santos and Lito Lapid on the silver screen. Not unless they want to give up being mayor of Lipa City and governor of Pampanga province, respectively. Apparently, there's a provision in the Local Government Code that says mayors and governors "are prohibited from practicing their profession or engaging in any occupation other than the exercise of their functions as local chief executives." But for this to happen, the group that has raised this issue must first win its case in court. Happily, that group, the Social Justice Society, is composed mostly of lawyers. They have cited Joey Lina as respondent for allowing Santos and Lapid to appear in movies. I'm rooting for them. I've been arguing this for a long time now, and for all categories of public officials. The usual justification for senators in particular the Senate now having the dubious distinction of harboring the biggest number of fugitives from the silver screen, the hard court and television is that there is no law against it. Well, at the very least, there is no law against people defecating in public too. Or at least there is no law specifically citing it, though there's one reproaching, and penalizing, scandalous behavior. There is no (explicit) law against it because none is needed. It is common sense. You do not normally expect anyone to relieve himself gleefully, or disconsolately, against the wall. As it turns out, however, there is a law against public officials doing sidelines. If there's a prescription against local government officials reverting to their previous roles, in more ways than one, there should be one as well against national officials doing so. The principle applies equally, if not more so, to them. The principle applies as well to senators and congressmen who continue to host shows on television or do c ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I stand Against Capital Punish essays

I stand Against Capital Punish essays Capital punishment is what I consider, the legal punishment of a criminal. Capital punishment has been used as a form of punishment for many years. At modern time, capital punishment is more controlled. Although, when capital punishment is mentioned it brings shivers down the back of most of society. Being it is a factor of death, capital punishment The term capital does not represent or signify any ideas in the negative aspect. Capital is defined as first or foremost; first rate or excellent. Punishment, on the other hand, is defined as the rough handling or penalization for a wrong doing. Neither of these terms, when mentioned individually signify anything in the negative aspect. Although when these two terms are combined there is alot more meaning to them than just excellent or penalization. These now strictly signify, death. Capital punishment has been a form of disciplining since 1750 B.C., when it was part of the code of Hammarabi. The bible itself, also prescribes death as a penalty for any of thirty crimes committed. The crimes ranged from any between murder and fornication. In the 18th century more than two hundred capital crimes were recognized, and as a result over one thousand people a year were faced with the sentence of Now at modern time, the death penalty, has been rekindled. Although, it is not as barbaric as it was. Now the law only allows itself the use certain types of disciplining. In the early 18th and 19th century the death penalty was inflicted in many ways. Some ways were, crucifixion, boiling in oil, drawing and quartering, impalement, beheading, burning alive, crushing, tearing asunder, stoning and drowning. In the late 19th century the types of punishments were limited and only a few of them remained permissible by law. In the 19th century capital punishment ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

David Bech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

David Bech - Essay Example The Latte Factor is a term to emphasize the non-necessity spending we do such as getting latte everyday which are simple things we spend on without thinking if we really need them (Bach, D., 2003). Chapter 3 centers on welcoming the idea of paying yourself first. â€Å"Paying Yourself† means setting aside a certain amount from one’s paycheck and putting it in one’s savings before one busies themselves with paying bills. This kind of habit will train someone to prioritize savings first and adjust one’s lifestyle accordingly (Bach, D., 2003). In line with the last chapter, this chapter makes sure it happens. Making sure you regularly deposit on your savings, has a lot to do with making things automatic such as directly making your company deposit a certain amount of your paycheck to your savings account. With this, your savings will never be sacrificed (Bach, D., 2003). This Chapter teaches us to be financially prepared for emergency spending. Just like we would automatically deposit on our savings account, one should also allot money for the rainy days through opening a rainy day fund and/or investing money where it surely will grow (Bach, D., 2003). This chapter impresses on the need to stop renting a home and take the plunge to buy one. This might be overwhelming but in doing the math, buying a house does not only lessen your spending in the long run but also increase your financial leverage and value (Bach, D., 2003). Get rid of your credit card. This chapter suggests doing this to start an automatic debt-free lifestyle. The rule of thumb in spending is if you cannot pay it in cash, you cannot afford it (Bach, D., 2003). This chapter teaches us that there is more to life than money. We should put high value of which not only with regards to what we can get from it, but rather what difference our money could do to help change the world for the better (Bach, D.,

Friday, November 1, 2019


LUXURY CAR BRANDS MARKETING HIGHLIGHT QUESTIONS - Essay Example To make the drive comfortable for the passengers, Kluger comes with Captain Seats and conversation mirror. Multi Zone Climate Control (which controls temperature in different parts of the cabin), Rear seat DVD player with headphones, Integrated Puddle Mirrors, add to the pleasure of travelling in Kluger. The driver of the luxury crossover enjoys the privileges of Multi Information Display while on move (with climate control settings), Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Cruise Control ( to keep within desired speed limits), satellite navigation and smart keyless entry system. Augmented product Ownership of Toyota Kluger comes with augmented features such as 3year/100,000km+ warranty, Personal Vehicle Loan, Novated Lease, Novated Lease Vehicle package, Business Loan (all through Toyota Finance) and Capped Price Service Advantage up to six services. Toyota uses a range strategy to promote Kluger. Toyota is known for its upmarket automobiles, quality and its premiumness. To promote Toyota as a brand, the company concentrate its efforts on creating a single united culture of safety and durability synonym with Toyota. Kluger is an extension of the Toyota culture for the comfort and enjoyment of entire family. Kluger, a crossover vehicle is launched to tap the demand of upper class families who may make occasional pleasure trips within or outside the city. Kluger aims to establish itself as a synonym for luxurious, enjoyable, family transport vehicle. It target Generation X who vote for ease of use of vehicle along with style. Toyota is using its online resources as the main way to market Kluger in Australia; rest of the marketing efforts support this focus. Main reason for promoting Kluger through website is because upmarket Gen X in Australia generally uses web as the primary mode of research while buying high involvement products such as car. Toyota’s website acts as a quasi sales representative of its models that not only imparts vehicle specifications but also helps the prospective buyer in understanding how he can make the best use of Kluger. The website hosts live footage of people who relate their experiences while using Kluger. The website aims at providing a virtual walk through to the prospective buyer of the interior, exterior and experience of travelling in a Kluger along with the assurance of Toyota so that the buyer may have enough confidence on the Kluger to book a test drive (Toyota charges with Cavalry, 2008). Ans. 2 Product mix or the assortment of cars offered by Toyota, Ford and Honda seem to differ based on the target group of each of the above mentioned companies. While Honda has the shortest product line, Ford has the longest with Toyota ranking in between both of them. Honda has divided its product line mainly on the basis of compact and large cars. Its major models marketed in Australia are: Jazz, City, Insight, Civic Si-Type R (in compact segment) and Accord, Euro, Odyssey, CR-V, Legend (in large car segment). It do es not have a subcompact car nor a mid size or full size SUV (CR-V being compact SUV). Honda does not have a sub-compact car or a top end car in Australia. A major reason could be that Honda does not yet have a manufacturing facility in Australia and it imports all its cars to the continent. Hence, it has maintained a short product line in Australia. Honda’